un/ doing

Jonathan Shaw

Another teaser/ interview with a guy behind the book Vintage Tattoo Flash – I love the pictures of the past and reminiscing on how things changed and yet the assion and fire are still the same!

undrawing my tattoos

Undrawing my tattoos” is a moving account of the stories behind one girl’s tattoos and a painful and quite scary process of removing them.


Tattoos for a good cause are always great – here raising money to combat lung cancer.

to do or not to do … a tattoo?

A little more about risks hidden in moles covered by tattoos. Also, there’s an idea for temporary tattoos warning of coming to the dreaded ‘wall’ – even Sunday athletes know what it means.

A handful of Polish articles focused on tattoos – tattoos and jobs (the conclusion – if you’re tattooed, you come across as very unprofessional), tattoo underground (but we all should remember the saying ‘cheap tattoo isn’t good, good tattoo isn’t cheap’!) and some info on tattoo removal.

Something light in tone but with a good message – why you shouldn’t get a Chinese tattoo.

The ‘Breaking Bad’ TV show is coming to an end, so here’s some news related to both the series and tattoos devoted to the show.

A short article focused on traditional Maori tattoos. This one is a real gem – great old pictures of tattoo old timers and their work.

An interesting interview with a suspension group from GA, USA on suspension.org!

Modified charity: tattoos for cat lovers help animals!

Finally, the ‘Do or Die’ video by 30 Seconds to Mars with some band tattoos inside.

new pieces of news

Last weekend was spent on running my 6th half-marathon, so the only tattoo I got to see there was my own massive (and running-oriented) calf tattoo. Now I’m back in the game.

How to check if you are tired?  A temporary tattoo packed up with sensors may be used for that quite soon.

Interesting artists: a master of realistic tattoos from Sweden and another one good at portraits.

A special guest at Venezuela Tattoo Expo 2013: Matt Gone.

When life gives you lemons … an elderly woman has no hair but she got an impressive scalp tattoo instead!

Russian prison tattoos.

Straight from NYC a book for kids focused on tattoos.

Celebrity news showing that it’s not smart to get a tattoo of someone you are in love today and but will break up with in a few: Kat Von D’s tattoo’s being removed now.

Finally, Horiyoshi the Third turning into Horiyoshi the Thiiird and using his design to create a clothing line.

real and fake

Body modification and the work place’ discusses dilemmas many of us have to face on daily basis.

About tattoo removal in German from Bastian (thank you!).

Also from Bastian is this nice slide show showing tattoos in Tahiti.

Tattoo recognition computer program.

Some interesting info on traditional Japanese tattoos in an article about ‘Ink for a Cause.’

Another interesting one about exploring body modification through art.

Not a fan of Kim Kardashian but since this one is somewhat related: pics of KK covered with fake tattoos.

you can’t escape the Euro ’12 thing!

Only a few nice links this weekend:

Recently there have been many online articles about the job market almost forcing people to remove their tattoos in order to get “employable;” this one is a nice change as it shows that sometime sit’s ok to show your employer what’s on/ in your skin: ‘love for the employer.’

My tattoo convention review is already posted and here a link to some info on a convention in quite exotic location: Icelandic Tattoo convention.

An interesting piece of body art christened “ no-brainer tattoo” by a British newspaper.

Finally something reflecting the Euro madness going on here: “Euro football stars and their tattoos” although don’t expect a slide show in this one.

not that bad a luck

A day after Friday the 13th there’s still a lot of articles on the subject. Apparently it’s a huge thing for tattoo parlors as these articles like to point out.

An interesting one: ‘tattoo removal, piercing reversal not that easy.’

With the spring in a full swing and hopes for the fresh fruit rising, this charity action is more than recommendable: help bees. Get a tattoo!

Tips how to become a tattoo artist fromIndia and an interesting portrait of sort of a ex-prison tattoo artist.

A bunch of other interesting ones: ‘lawsuits over body art,’ ‘debate heats up on where tattooed heads rest,’ ‘Jean-Paul Gaultier and his tattoo inspirations, ‘Costa Rican tattoo culture.

tattoos ‘in’ and ‘out’

Another bunch of cool ones:

Vince Hemmingson fnally made it and now his Tattoo Project is out there to admire! On the other side of the spectrum is “East of Eden’ where tattoos are not so pretty and human bodies look less spectacular (photographs of Russia’s petty gangstas).

Allegedly ‘more Brits have their tattoos removed’ which doesn’t mean that tattoos lose their popularity: here some tattoo tales from the FIFA’s website, a short one about a new version of the computer game called ‘Tattoo Artist’ and a really good reason to get tattoos: ‘choosing tattoos over medical alert bracelets.’

A dose of head-(and stomach)turning in an article portraying such great performance artists as Stelarc and Orlan.

Celebs: Kat Von D on her relationships out in the open and her profession and Joanna Angel in a Hungarian tattoo magazine.

Interesting news from Germany: law forbids tattooing animals (in English).

And finally a nice one to look at and admire: cool rib tattoo designs.

good and interesting news

Several interesting ones so far:

Good news from Poznan, Poland, where tattoo artists from my regular tattoo shop won quite a few awards at a local tattoo convention (here’s another video from the event).

A ‘gem’ about scarification and other, more ‘extreme’ forms of body modification: ‘technique goes beyond tattoos.’

High-brow stuff: Ed Hardy as a lecturer at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and an interesting article about a new book on literary tattoos, ‘word made flesh.’ My pre-ordered copy of it got shipped yout yesterday.

An interesting one from Bastian: an article about the German healthcare reform which has something to do with body modification. And from the US an article about ‘dermatologists’ experiences with tattoos.’

Tattoo scene and charity in ‘tatts for cats.’

Ads: ‘plummeting value of flesh-based ads’ and a *turned-into-tattoos*  mascot from India (images of the mascot here).

Celeb glitter: ‘Kelly Osbourne removes her tattoos,’ ‘the worst tattoos on celebs‘ and ‘female celeb piercings.’ On the other side of the spectrum, a short but quite interesting article about trends and their backgrounds (courtesy of Bastian!).

highs and lows

 I like to think that in one regard I’m just like William of Baskerville – I also think fondly of my countrymen and like to point out how wonderfully weird and crazy they are. Here, on the left, an example of their craziness and resourcefulness for how to popularize music of Chopin (another important anniversary in Polish culture, by the way!). People’s opinions are mixed.

And since I got so highbrowed, let me hover on here a little bit longer to present two links to an interesting tattooing project that will take place in one of Dutch museums this summer (Dutch, German). Another museum project, this time in the UK, involves the ‘Skin’ exhibition and live tattooing soon.

Still the UK but this time let’s hit the bottom: ‘Quarter of tattooed Brits admit they regret their body’ and another one in this same vein telling us that ‘tattoos on women are a turn-off.’

If you really care, there’s hope as tattoo removal industry gets bigger and bigger, along the tattoo industry itself, and – more and more often – it’s tattoo shops that step in to profit from people’s regrets (or new projects). Steph is going to love me for this one as it quotes her ‘favorite’ shop staff again! 😛

From AZ quite interesting article with a thought-provoking title: ‘Tattoos’ popularity spurs new shops, new debates.’

Two good ones from Japan on the same subject: ‘keep your Yakuza-style tattoos to yourself’ (more) about a famous local voice actor arrested for showing his nude tattoo photos online.