everyday stories

What I love about everyday-ness is its endless possibility to bring sth new, uncover a potential, show us sth interesting. And the same goes for ppl – at first they seem totally “normal,” (whatever it means) – without a spark of interest about them – and then, suddenly, we are able to uncover sth unique about them! Tattoos make it happen for us, so …

A few tattoo stories on seemingly unusual, “normal” ppl!

a day in life

A day in a tattoo artist’s life – urban legends of the rock’n’roll lifestyle surround an everyday struggle to make things right, esp. those far from being glamorous!

black and white

Simple and some of them stunning – small pieces of the black-and-white tattoo art.

the blog goes on … ;)

it’s been a while but seeing how I just miss reading on the subject and I actually sorted out my Internet access here in my “middle of nowehere,” I might actually get back to reading and occasionally posting interesting things. Funny as it seems, there’s even a local tattoo shop here and I’m kinda itching to check it out! 😉 Anyway …

Roch’n’roll life which is usually associated with tattooing comes at a cost and no one actually talks about it. Here you have “pains and strains” of the job!

is extreme body modification even legal” touches on the British law but the issue is very valid in all other countries as most more exttreme body modifications (tongue splitting, scarification, branding, eyeball tattooing etc.) are usually done after hours and discreetly. Def. loads of food for thought!


Fillip Leu and his new endeavour – a limited sneaker collection for Puma. Very *not* underground! 😉

chosen and given


Body modification and work is a touchy subject for many of us and always valid as many of us feel insecure with our mods in the market place. Here two perspectives on the subject: a tattoo artist and a former athlete who suddenly got confronted with the harsh reality.


An interesting article in German about a modern tattooist practising a traditional form of art!

always more than skin!


Not the latest news but apparently having tattoos may actually help you get hired. Is there a catch? Sure, there is – companies will gladly ride your coat tales and try to rub off the cool image you allegedly sport.


Cool or not, these portraits are simply beautiful – one should amdire ppl ready to create their own beauty standards without caring what the rest of the world thinks!

Finally, a very interesting portrait of an American tattoo artist turned Japanese and some insight into the Japanse culture and its attitude towards the tattoo art. An interesting read for sure!


An interesting text about Shiite tattoos shows how tattoos help with cultural identity and fighting for it.

Samoan tattoo exhibit

Also about cultural identity, this Samoan tattoo exhibit looks damn interesting! Too bad it’s in L.A.!

Scott Campbell doesn’t have any regrets and recommeds to love without hesitation (which is quite sound a piece of advice!).

tattoos and books

Finally, an idea and example that pretty much every single library should follow – show me your tattoos and I’ll recommend a book for ya!

Tattoos are very seldom only about the skin, more often than not they are first of all about the mind!


times and perspectives

evolution of tattoos

Loose observations on tattoos over time make you think how they were and are perceived and what they mean(t).

These days it’s way more about personal meaning(s) and perspectives, so no wonder ppl perceive tattoos in different ways, those shallow and even insulting ones: “things you get asked if you are tattooed” and “rude cashier.”

my tattoos, my stories

But we still attach meanings, memories and power to our tattoos – we are our tattoos, our tattoos are us.

Zombie Boy

Finally, a few days after the gig in question but it’s still good that Zombie Boy is still alive and kicking!