brands, records and t-shirts

Branding isn’t featured often in the online newspapers, so this one, ‘a different brand of body art,’ is worth some attention; not to mention that it’s a good opportunity to remind of a huge figure in the body modification movement (if there is any), Fakir Musafar.

The southern hemisphere represented by two articles on two different subjects: serious problem about rising number of backyard tattooers in Australia and another one about cultural differences experienced by New Zealand athletes visiting Japan.

The topic of Church and tattoos appears again: a bit more info on the English vicar who’s a fan of tattoos (previously mentioned here) and a German article about a local church in Hamburg using temporary tattoos as a way to attract people (as they said, ‘church can be fun!’).

Body modification and world records (or just attempts at them): the most pierced man in the world (interestingly enough, no word about Elaine Davidson) and a failed attempt at world record in CO (noble reason behind).

 Something lighter to end today’s post: Pink’s new clothing line inspired by tattoos (how original!) and a few Harry Potter tattoos.